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General information:

Intestinal microflora is the totality of all microorganisms inhabiting the large intestine. It is essential for human health. The microbiome contains approximately 30 times more genes than the human genome (Shreiner A. et al., 2015). Therefore, it is not surprising that, due to its enormous metabolic potential, the bacterial mass of the intestine, which can weigh up to 1.5 kg, is considered a separate organ - the MICROBIOM.
Bacteria are vital for the body as they directly or indirectly participate in various physiological processes. They prevent the colonization of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) by pathogenic microorganisms (salmonella, shigella, fungi, clostridia), participate in the metabolism of food ingredients and the synthesis of vitamins. The disturbed microbiome has an essential role in patients with impaired peristalsis, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation and other motility disorders. According to many studies, the gut microbiome has a powerful immunostimulatory and immunomodulatory role.
What are the benefits of ENTEROFLOR Kiddy?
Developed with the help of pediatric gastroenterologists and nutritionists, Laborexpress 2000 offers you the most adapted test in Bulgaria for children! Measurement of 43 specific indicators. Detects 99.9% of microorganisms included in the composition of the child's microbiome. A modern diagnostic approach based on fundamental studies of the human microbiome! Fast results within 10 days. The interpretation of the test is in accordance with the age norms for the composition of the microbiome at different stages of child development. It can be combined with established laboratory tests for the convenience of parents.

When would your pediatrician recommend a microbiome analysis?

  • prolonged (etiologically unspecified) intestinal disturbances
  • intestinal dysfunction in children on antibiotic and/or immunosuppressive therapy, long-term chemotherapy or hormonal therapy
  • during the recovery period after acute hepatitis
  • in children with purulent-inflammatory intestinal diseases
  • preoperatively in children at risk of liver dysbiosis
  • allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma)
  • children born after intrauterine infection
  • children fed early formula milk and feeding problems
  • children with lactose intolerance
  • children with immunodeficiency conditions
  • frequent respiratory infections
  • stunting and weight gain
  • frequent fungal infections
  • frequent dental infections, stomatitis

What do you get when you claim ENTEROFLOR Kiddy?

  • Determining the status of the microbiome (normocenosis/dysbiosis) by determining the normal flora versus the opportunistic in the total bacterial mass
  • Quantification of the normobiome (phyla Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes), opportunistic bacteria and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.
  • The test determines a wide variety of the normal microbiome:
    number of bifido- and lactobacilli
    presence of Bacteroidetes;
    ratio of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes
    markers of pathogenicity and resistance
  • The final interpretation is presented by the parents to the attending physician, who prescribes a medical and nutritional regimen.

What material is being examinated?
Parents collect stool (faeces) in a sterile container. It is recommended to be taken from several places, tampons are not accepted. For children with diapers, it is taken from the diaper, for older children it can be taken from the potty/toilet after placing paper/a clean envelope and the material is taken immediately after it is separated. Can be stored at room temperature for up to 6 hours. If it is impossible to refrigerate and bring to the laboratory within 48 hours
There are no requirements for feeding the child.
The test is done no earlier than 2 days after taking pro- and prebiotics, enterosorbents (pectin, cellulose, algae, activated carbon, smecta, etc.)
The test is not done during acute intestinal infections!

Key words:

Gut microbiome, Enteroflor kiddy



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