Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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19.00 BGN

General information:

The person must have visited endemic areas (Africa, Asia) and be referred by a specialist in infections and tropical medicine. The patient must provide a phone number for feedback.

The biohelminthiasis filariasis is a widespread parasitosis, with causative agents of roundworms from the order Filariidae.

Parasites have a characteristic life cycle that occurs with a change of two hosts. Intermediate hosts are mosquitoes of the species Aedes, Anopheles, Mansoni, Culex, and final hosts are humans and some animal species.

The disease is transmitted by a transmissible mechanism, when bitten by infected mosquitoes. Larvae develop in the body of the final host, mature into adults, and begin to shed first-stage larvae, also called microfilariae.

Mosquitoes become infected by bloodsucking from an infected final host with first instar larvae. Inside the mosquito's body, the larvae mature to the third instar.

There are different forms of filariasis, depending on the specific causative agent.

The incubation period is within one month to two years, and the degree of invasion of the macroorganism, the general state of health of the patient and the reaction of the immune system are important for the development of symptoms.

Prevention is mainly carried out with various anti-insecticides and repellents

Sample required:

Venous blood, Romanowski-Giemsa blood smear

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