Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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17.00 BGN

General information:

Prostate infections represent a small part of the cases of prostatitis. Infections can be acute and chronic. The main symptoms of prostatitis are the pain in the area, dysuria, painful ejaculation, decreased urine flow. Some patients may experience fever, general malaise, and periodic worsening of symptoms.

Certain sexually transmitted diseases may cause negative results in microbiological research, so it is important that the study is assigned by a specialist.

The test involves culture and microscopic isolation of major bacterial agents from prostate secretion-Enteobacteriaceae, Enterococci, Streptococci, Staphylococci, Pseudomonas, Candida.


Sample Required:

To be taken by a specialist 


Prostatic swab, bacteria, infection, men

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