Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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10.00 BGN

General information:

Gonorrhoea (Tripper) is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection affecting a significant part of the world's population. The test includes a culture study of special nutrient media and conditions for the identification of the causative agent.The cause is Neisseria gonorrhoea. Infection occurs primarily sexually, but also oral, rectal and other contact mechanisms. The incubation period of gonorrhoea is from 2 to 14 days, with most complaints occurring between 4 and 6 days of infection. In most women, the disease occurs asymptomatically, while the most common complaints are vaginal discharge, low abdominal pain, painful intercourse, and urination. In men, the disease is predominantly symptomatic, involving burning pain in urination and urinary discharge of the penis. Though rarely, gonorrhoea can cause skin damage and joint infection, endocarditis and meningitis in people with impaired immunity. In newborns from mothers suffering from gonorrhoea, eye infections (ophtalmia neonatorum) are observed.If there is a doubt about gonorrhoea, both partners should be examined and treated. The risks of non-treatment are inflammation of the superimmune (epididymitis), prostate (prostatitis) and ureter. In women, gonorrhoea causes inflammatory pelvic disease (PID). In both sexes, the disease is the cause of infertility.Condoms do not give full assurance of sexual contact with the patient. Immunity is not acquired.

Sample required:

By a professional, in case of gonorrhoea suspected, with a sterile dry swab (up to 6 hours). Men are recommended in the morning, before urination and without a local toilet. When picking up in a transport environment, the material can be delivered 24-48 hours.

Key words:

Gonorrhoea, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, sterility, prostatitis, sexually transmitted infection, strain

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