Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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13.00 BGN

General Information:

When you isolate a pathogen, we recommend an antibiotic, appropriate to the cause, to perform an effective treatment.

The research can be done in a health fund or paid.
If you or your treating physician wants an antibiogram, please report this when submitting the material.

At Laborexpress 2000, we think about the patient and keep the strains isolated within 2 days. In this way, you and your treating physician can discuss the outcome of the treatment and decide for yourself if you want an antibiotic. You can request this on-site or by phone.
If you have taken antibiotics, are allergic to a particular antibiotic, or your doctor wishes to prescribe a specific preparation, please report this.

Laborexpress 2000 has the potential to place different antibiotics (for intravenous, oral, topical use), which is very important for patients with frequent infections, chronic diseases where antibiotics are more common and resistance develops.

In some cases, the pathogen is resistant to the standard antibiotic set and the formulation of intravenous preparations is required. This often occurs in patients with chronic (with prescription) disease, diabetes, transplantation, after a hospital stay. It is not uncommon (especially months of high incidence) to isolate more than one microorganism from some materials. To provide an optimal response to the patient and his clinician, we offer an extended antibiogram that, depending on the pathogen, includes a larger set of standard 6 disks. This allows the choice of a preparation in terms of dosage regimen, cost, effectiveness and commercial availability.

Sample Required:

Sputum, nasal swab, cerebrospinal fluid, blood, urine and other biological products.


Extended antibiogram, sputum, blood, urine

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