Central Laboratory
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31.00 BGN

General information:

Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative bacterium that colonizes the stomach and duodenum. It causes peptic ulcer, gastritis and duodenitis. It is considered a risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma disease. It is a microorganism that can survive in the highly acidic environment of the stomach. Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is the most common infection in humans. In our country, the incidence is high. Studies show that Helicobacter pylori infection affects about 10% of children under 12 years of age, 20% of children under 40 years of age and half of the population over 60 years. Transmission of the bacteria from person to person is through the opal-fecal route, through vomiting, through drinking water and infected hospital equipment. The retention can also occur from the mother of the child. The problem with Helicobacter pylori is that once it enters the body, it can live for decades without showing any specific symptoms. However, the presence of these does not mean that the bacteria does not have negative effects on the organism. In the following cases, which show the symptoms of acute retention with Xelikobaľtep Pilopi, they usually occur in the back pain, dyscomfort in the back region, pain, elevation no, acids, feelings about the weight of ice cream or even hunger, because what has just happened dobpe. The presence of a disorder preventing the performance of daily tasks is not at all useful! In the absence of diagnosis and treatment, Helicobacter pylori provokes the slow destruction of the gastric mucosa. Initially, the infection causes superficial eposative gastritis, which then becomes chronic (pangastritis). In a certain percentage of patients, an ulcer and related complications appear. The most important factor to optimize the accuracy of the tests to make a correct diagnosis is to clarify whether the patient has been previously treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), H2-blockers, antibiotics or bismuth preparations. When testing for eradication (removal) after treatment, testing should be performed no earlier than 4 weeks after stopping medication. There are different serological (blood) tests to prove HP infection. They allow quantification of infection. Modern tests have high sensitivity in areas with a high incidence of infection, such as our country. Serological tests for IgG indicate chronic infection, but may also indicate pre-existing infection, ie. are not suitable for assessing eradication at least 3 to 6 months after stopping treatment if the decrease in antibody titer is monitored quantitatively. It is recommended to be tested with Ig A at initial diagnosis. There are different serological (blood) tests to prove HP infection. They allow quantification of infection. Modern tests have high sensitivity in areas with a high incidence of infection, such as our country. Serological tests for Ig A indicate acute or reinfection with the causative agent. Antibodies of this class have a shorter half-life, and therefore the values of H. pylori IgA after treatment change more quickly than those of H. pylori IgG (persist for years) . The results assist the clinician in the course of the disease and therapy.


Sample required:

Venous blood

Key words:

Helicobacter Pylori, IgA + IgG


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