Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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General infomation:

A serological method with great application in clinical practice. In an acute form of the infection, this class of antibodies appears 2-4 weeks after the first signs of the disease, in case of re-infection, the presence of low and even absent titers is possible. It is recommended to test both classes of antibodies at the beginning and after a period of 3-4 weeks. Immediate antibiotic therapy can delay antibody formation! Chlamydophila pneumoniae is an obligate intracellular bacterium that causes lower respiratory tract infections - pneumonia and bronchitis in all age groups. Contagion occurs by air-droplet route. Incubation period 1-2 weeks. In most cases, the infection is inapparent or mild, but 10% of interstitial pneumonias have been found to be due to this agent. In recent years, a connection has been established with the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, and sarcoid, lung carcinoma, asthma, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, Reiter's syndrome. Antibiotic treatment for infections caused by Chlamydophila pneumoniae is specific and lasts an average of 14 days, with some patients requiring additional courses. In addition, certain classes of antibiotics cannot be used, which is the reason for delaying treatment. For this reason, the rapid and accurate diagnosis is of utmost importance. A Chlamydophila pneumoniae DNA test to prove the causative agent can be found in PCR diagnostics/Respiratory infections.

Sample required:

Venous blood

Key words:

chlamydophila pneumoniae IgG





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