Central Laboratory
052 / 647 337

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5.00 BGN

General Information:

The shape, size and colour of erythrocytes are described. Pathological inclusions in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes that support the diagnosis are observed in certain diseases. Changes that can be observed include anisocytosis (size), poyclocytosis (form), anulocytes, acantocytes (appearance of growths), polychromasia (colour defect), anisochromia, inclusions such as Heinz Joli, Ring of Cabot, basophilic granulation, siderocytosis.

Interpretation of morphology and diagnosis is performed by a physician based on clinical and laboratory tests.

The normal result by healthy individuals is described as:

  • Normocytosis - erythrocytes are of normal size
  • Normochromic - erythrocytes are normally stained, ie. contain enough haemoglobin.

Sample Required:

Venous blood in the morning in fasting


Erythrocytes, red blood cells, RBC

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